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  • Hi, i made an offer on your post. And i already have all of the items ready minus the ones that bunnzi offered if u would like :3
    Let me know when you're free to pick up Olaf's pic at the offered price of 300K.
    so uh i only have deenas, midge's, lucky's, and lolly's pictures. how much would you like for 4 instead? i forgot i had someone reserving the scoot picture, sorry.
    750k for chocolate cake and cacao tree works fine. I'll be off and on all day so just leave me a VM when you are ready to open your gate. :)
    Sorry I missed you last night, we had a storm and my internet was down. ;c Hopefully we'll run into each other today, aha! Anyways, I'll keep an eye out for you when I'm online. c: Put this here since your inbox is full~
    Hiya! I was actually closing that thread. ^^;
    I'm currently trading all of the items listed for things from my wishlist. I've posted a link to the new thread in the original post so if you have anything I'm interested in I'd be more than happy to trade.
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