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  • T T to see if she's there. She should be. If not I'll open back up but it cut out after you came out of the house. I'll be back in 15 mins.
    Hi there! I tried to message you back, but it says your inbox is full.
    My roommate was using my 3ds and changed the date, causing my turnip prices to mess up. If you can bear with me for the next hour, I'll let you know as soon as I can when they're back up.
    I have Jeremiah in my cycling town! He will only be 25tbt to adopt! He's not in boxes yet though
    Umm no not really. Hybrids are fine, I'm trying to do a Zen themed town
    I would love hybrids! Were talking about the yellow anteater right?
    hi! are you free to get her now? it will be 70 TBT because I would have voided her if you didn't ask to hold her...
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