The Metroid Prime: Hunters User Program


total a-hole
Jun 19, 2005

Welcome to the MP:H UP Project

Current Download: Version 2
Past Downloads: Version 1

What is this?

The MP:H UP Project is a program I am creating for all my fellow MP:H players. It has things EVERY player needs; weapon damage, point loss/gain calculator, alt damage, and more! And it's all on one simple program for free!


Each program is pretty much self-explanatory, but I'll explain anyway, so no ignorant fool asks 'i don get it lol!1'. :|

Point Gain/Loss Calculator:

This was the hardest of all the programs to make; please PM me if you find a bug.

Step 1:
Click the stars equivilant to your rank, under 'YOU'.

Step 2:
Click the stars equivilant to each of your opponent's ranks.

Step 3:
Click the 'WIN' button under each opponent if you won. If you lost against that person, do not click it.

Step 4:
Right click anywhere. At the bottom, it should say your point change.

Step 5:
Press 'R' on your keyboard to restart.
I have a lot more information and other stuff on the NSider thread, which is located here. I'm just too lazy to convert HTML to BBCode, so I'll only update versions here on TBT's thread.
Version 2 completed and added. We now have a Hunter Index, a Map Index, and a Credits section. File size is about 1.15 MB.