What are your preferred hours to work?

What hours do you prefer to work?

  • First Shift (Morning, Opening, hours between 6AM-2PM)

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • Second Shift (Mid shift, Closing, hours between 2PM- 10PM)

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • Third Shift (Overnight, hours between 10PM-7AM)

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters


Sep 20, 2013
Let’s be real: We may not like work, but we do it for the money. What are your preferred hours when you do work?

Hours in the poll don’t have to be entirely accurate to your preferred shift. Choose which ever option matches the hours closest to your preference. Also, you don’t necessarily have to work the entire time of the hours listed. For example, if you would prefer to work 4PM to 8PM, you’d choose the second option.

I used to be a third shifter for years, but now I am an early bird. I love daylight and openings, so I chose the first option.
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I’m honestly not sure. I’m unemployed right now. In the morning, I can’t function at all so a shift in the afternoon probably would be best though I am generally low energy.
i work a typical 9-5 but i think working night shift would be really cool cause i'm always up late but the logistics of doing night shift is probably not great (messed up sleeping schedule or needing to commute at night whenever i need to come in the office). as much as i would love to work in the afternoon, i think it's probably the worst shift since if u want to do stuff with ur day, u would need to wake up early anyways and by the time u get off work, the entire day is over. so realistically, morning shift is my preferred.
i liked opening shifts for retail cause that's when the mall was the least busy but i was always given closing shifts, unless it was for visuals then it was 5am-2pm
visuals were actually my favourite because we weren't required on the floor and you just had to focus on your section and didn't have to bother assisting customers ;P

when i was doing contract design work though i really liked our afternoon "shifts" you just had to work a certain amount of hours and unless projects had to be turned it, they didn't care when you worked on it and that was truly a blessing i miss </3
i always preferred the opening shifts when i worked at a coffee shop (usually 5a-2 or 3p). now i work two jobs and i open at one and close at the other. hate it!!
I work from home, so I can pick any hours I want (and I have indeed worked at pretty much all hours of the day!) As much as I never want to get up early, I do find that I'm most productive in the morning, so these days I'm trying to start work by 9 am every day.
I always liked morning shifts better, it is definitely more calm. night shifts can get kinda crazy, but when I need more money— night shifts (especially on the weekends) is where it’s at.
Everyone always thinks I'm crazy when I say I'd prefer working second shift, but I really would. I worked second shift at a couple of different jobs in my early 20's so I know the schedule works for me. Unfortunately, I hated the first job (call center) and the second place closed (data entry). So I found myself in a corporate 9am-5pm type job because that's where my skillset lies.

I hate first shift because I only feel productive for half of the day, in the afternoons. The second shifts I worked were 4pm-12am and 5pm-1am and I liked both of those well enough. I'm a night owl, so I could sleep as long as I wanted and wake up naturally, usually between 11am-1pm. Then I had a few hours to leisurely get ready or run errands if necessary. It was nice not needing to take time off to go to appointments or visit the bank. When I got off work, I would go home and spend 3-4 hours relaxing and enjoying my hobbies. I hung out with friends on days off or talked to them online after work. Since I'm not very social anyway, it was perfect for me.
When I worked a shift job I far preferred the 6am to 2pm. I'm not a morning person so I found when I had a later shift I would sleep later, have 1-2 hours, go to work, and come back to almost head right back to sleep again. The earlier shift made me get up earlier and I had more time after work to do other things like chores, hobbies, or hanging out with friends. Jobs in my current field are 9-5 so I'm not sure I'll ever get to do a 6-2 day again but I do miss it.
I mostly start work at 6am and work the early shift which I’ve found suits me best, the only problem been the initial getting out of bed, but once I’m up and out I feel like it’s when I’m most productive. Plus it’s great to be able to leave work just after lunchtime and have plenty of time left to still do other things during the day if I wanted.
Mid shift, I'm not a morning person anymore and there is less people and traffic at those hours.
i don't like working jobs where there's "shifts," i'd rather have one consistent schedule. for me thats 8:30am-5pm right now and its working out really nicely for me. i do wish i could get out at 4 instead to have some time to do the post office, pharmacy etc before they close, but i can usually make it work by leaving a few mins early.
I like to start work at around 8am so I can end my day before 5. I didn’t used to like this schedule but I’ve become so accustomed the idea of ending past 5pm sounds miserable. I’ve worked all shifts, including grave, so I’ve ample experience to know that I prefer this shift.

But the shift I truly prefer? That independently wealthy do-what-i-want-when-i-want shift….
I would never in my life do third shifts. I don't think I'm the type of person who can handle it.
When I was in high school, I didn't mind working 2nds, although I had to to work and go to school at the same time.
I was working 5am-2pm at Walmart for a while. It was hell.
Now I'm working a 9-5 and it's my favorite. I may be a little biased, though, cause I just love my job as a whole.
Have you guys tried early morning shifts that end at noon? You get so much free time. It’s godly.

Tradeswork was like that for me.