Things you didn't know about forever?

I didn't know villagers can actually be nice to you if you open a present for the first time!

In my third New Leaf town, Snake told me to deliver a present to Static. Well, I opened the present, because Static deserved it for being rude by telling me to get ready for Halloween, so I won't cry like a baby, and I don't like rude villagers.

Static assumed that Snake didn't wrap a T-shirt, which is what was inside the present, until I told the former that I actually did it. What genuinely surprised me is that he actually forgave me for opening the present! He told me to make sure that this is the first and last time I do it.
It took me until this year to realize that if you had a pier covered in patterns/furniture it changes the 'makeup' of the pier tile and makes it impossible to catch pier fish until you clear it.
i only recently discovered the camspite reset trick. as someone who often looks for ways to obtain the villagers i desire as quickly as possible, im suprised i didnt come across it sooner.

i tried it a few times, and it works. i do not plan to use it often, if at all, however. the chance of town corruption or even console corruption from this method is evident. even if the chance is so low it can be rounded down to zero, im not willing to take that risk. i have put so many hours into the town i attempted the campsite reset trick with, i do not want to loose it over something like that.

maybe the trick will be useful on my new town i plan to start tonight?
Today in my town, Klaus asked for a fruit of any kind. I decided to give him a perfect apple (I was feeling a little lazy and there was a perfect apple tree nearby that I often sampled from for villager requests). I was not paying too much attention because I was watching a tv show while playing, so I just gave him what I thought was a regular perfect apple... but I was utterly shocked by his reaction; he said that the apple was rotten and full of worms! Then he got really angry and started stomping around (poor Klaus! 😭) I couldn't believe it! Only then did I notice that the apple tree was now a dead tree. I went to go get more fruit from another perfect apple tree, only for that tree to die, too... and the same thing happened a third time from a third apple tree. I was beginning to think I was living out a creepypasta come to life. I had to look it up, and I guess I learned for the first time somehow that you can only harvest so many times from a perfect fruit tree before it dies and that when it dies, it leaves behind one rotten fruit that looks exactly the same as a regular perfect fruit. I felt so bad for poor Klaus, that afterward I sent him a letter with a candy in it. That should be a lot better, I hope!
That there was a Police Station in NL. It was annoying for me when I found out about its existence because I had and upgraded every other store and facility and my house to their highest level and then found out while visiting a Dream Town and seeing online that I can only get it if a Villager had asked for one. No one did and they still haven’t asked. It’s really annoying knowing I have everything in the game except the stupid Police Station.
I never knew that you could lose a snowball if there's a hole dug near it. I knew about losing it to a tree, or a cliff, or water, but never a hole!
AC continues to he endlessly charming with the little touches.
I didn't know for a long time that...
1) You can make friends with the Able Sisters. (talk to them, buy things from them often) and they will give you mannequins. They will also be more friendly and tell you more about their product.

2) I didn’t know that Pascal was in New Leaf. When I first saw him I was very surprised!

3) From the island of Tortimera, you can pick up flowers, fruits, etc. from mini-games. (this was my most wonderful discovery)

4) Previous residents of your city can return to the main street!
A couple weeks late to post this, but villagers can badge in at past midnight. Why? ._.
I remember that I used to never know about Lyle's secret dialogue! I actually made a post about that a while back! I always thought it was really cool and honestly random whenever he would gossip with you! Its still a cute feature and makes the game more fun when I check my HHA score, it adds some variety.
So I was today years old when I learned that beans thrown into water have a specific animation and sound. I had never thought of doing it because I thought nothing would happen, but instead they planned this too! A nice detail

And they will scare fish away if you are looking for a specific size shadow.
Until this event I never knew about the Puzzle League or Desert Island Escape minigames. I have absolutely no idea how I managed to completely miss these during the several years I spent playing.
I probably knew about this and just forgot about it after not playing for a few years, but I was scanning some QR codes and noticed the little family pictures on the wall behind Sable. Or maybe I just noticed it subconsciously and never really thought about it. Not sure which.

Also I just saw in an earlier post in this thread that you could actually put patterns on the pier. I don't usually use patterns in my towns unless plot resetting for villagers' homes, so that's not something I'd likely ever find out on my own.
I couldn't find the right thread-but I just want to say. I had no idea axes could break in New Leaf..... or just... in general before New Horizons?!
I couldn't find the right thread-but I just want to say. I had no idea axes could break in New Leaf..... or just... in general before New Horizons?!
Yup! Axes were the only tool that could break originally, which made the Golden Axe valuable!
I didn’t know there were 8 stages to the main tree until I saw the thread for it yesterday. I thought there were five.
Yup! Axes were the only tool that could break originally, which made the Golden Axe valuable!
I always found that super annoying. I’d be working early in the morning before work and before Nook’s Emporium would open to clear a bunch of unwanted trees to see if I got a special pattern on the stump when the axe breaks when I’m two whacks away from finding out and then i would have to remember which tree it was and abandon my work until I could get another axe.