Has your favourite villager personality changed?


Hat Tips and Tea Sips
Poyo Puffs
May 18, 2015
Galaxy Easter Egg
Rotating Fool's Egg
Planet Glow Wand
Moon Bunny
White Crescent Moon
Space Whale Plush
Crescent Moon Easter Egg
Shooting Star
Snow Bunny
Blue Mote of Flame
With speech having changed from NL to NH, I'm wondering if anyone's favourite villager type has changed. I feel like the range of "I don't know you" to "omg besties!" has shrunk a lot in NH, so it's trickier to tell the differences in some cases even. Normal was my fav in NL, but they feel a bit too normal now almost
i loved the lazies in NL. i had three in one town (lucky, biskit, bob) and two in the other (punchy and felyne). but then NH came around and made them just straight-up disgusting instead of lazy, for some reason? with them always talking about bugs in their houses and slurping stains out of their shirts etc. it was a nightmare for me having four lazies on my island, but i love their designs too much, and they were my villagers from NL, so i was attached, but their dialogue made them :/ to talk to. i really miss how they were in NL, actually "lazy" and goofy without being gross. now, personality-wise, i only like them about the same as all the others tbh.
I have always been obsessed with the Normal villagers... because I love how many of them closely resemble real animals and I love how they are always reading!! I love books, too so I always related to them in that way.

However with NH I have come to appreciate the Snooty villagers! They seemed much more "snooty" in other games. In New Horizons, many of them are so sweet, call you darling, and have fashion and beauty tips!

Also, I love when I catch a normal villager, and a snooty villager talking to each other! Their conversations are always so sweet, and they always seem to find something in common! It's so cute.
Even as a little kid I've always loved the snooty villagers just because they would crack me up with their insults and gossip. They felt realistic in that they could be rude or judgemental, but also surprisingly sweet or vulnerable and I liked that dynamic. Now, of course, they aren't snooty at all so they've definitely fallen down a little bit in terms of how interesting they are.

I'm really enjoying the big sister dialogue in this game instead. I like how it's realistic (unlike the lazy villagers constantly talking about bugs for some reason or the jock villagers constantly talking about squats) while also not being boring (like the normal villagers talking about extremely boring things). I like hearing them talk about friends calling them late at night or them going back to their hometown and finding out that their classmates have gotten less wild or them growing up in the country. It's grounded, but still interesting!
I initially was prepared to think the normal villagers were boring, because it is a popular opinion, which is repeated a lot as if it is common knowledge. But in fact, the normal villagers seem to have the most interesting conversations - they talk about books, crafts, baking, and building self confidence. These are just all such relatable things that they really feel like well rounded characters. I can have 3 (maybe more) normal villagers on my island and never feel bored or annoyed with them.

Likewise I was led to believe the peppies would be annoying and only talk about being pop stars, but they are actually so fun and just big dreamers, which is so adorable. Once you get past the lower friendship levels they really don’t even talk that much about being pop stars. (And they tend to have more colorful/ fun designs compared to the normals)

Normals and peppies are my faves and I currently have 3 of each on my island and it’s a lot of fun!
Lazies, they definitely changed and are sometimes a little gross. I mean, I don’t need to know that you have melted chocolate in your pockets, that gross. :/
With speech having changed from NL to NH, I'm wondering if anyone's favourite villager type has changed. I feel like the range of "I don't know you" to "omg besties!" has shrunk a lot in NH, so it's trickier to tell the differences in some cases even. Normal was my fav in NL, but they feel a bit too normal now almost
I agree 100% about the Normal villagers.

In the past I tended to prefer Normal, Lazy, Cranky, and Sisterly. In NH, the Normal villagers are too bland, the Lazy ones veer too much toward grossness, and I feel like the Sisterly types can come across as too impatient or dismissive. I still like Crankies, but they feel more sentimental and stodgy than actually cranky. Snooty is probably the one that feels most similar to me.

On the flip side, I wasn’t a big fan of Smugs (too flirty and, well, smug) but in NH I think their dialogue is a lot funnier and more specific without crossing into uncomfortable. And when all my villagers feel a little same-y, the Peppy and Jock types, with their over-the-top dialogue and goofy interests, stand out as unique and charming. So yeah, I guess I’ve moved my rankings around a lot!
i enjoy talking to the smugs, lazy, and normal villagers 🥹 a little different but i still find their dialogue quite fun to read hehe
I used to like lazies and jocks more in NL but now I like smugs. I still like my boy Drago but I think I am fine with just him and maybe another. Not like the 5 lazies I had on my previous island. I am fine with just one jock. Smugs and sisterlies are my current favs in NH. Smugs win for being the most interesting. Sisterlies are a personality of their own and I like that