Recent content by virgocrossing

  1. virgocrossing

    Giveaway  Chevre Chevre in boxes

    She’s gifted- not looking for payment, I just don’t want to void her if possible! Available until the end of the day~
  2. virgocrossing

    Giveaway Marina in boxes!

    awesome, i’ll send dodo asap! 1714493808 dodo is 8MCWG!
  3. virgocrossing

    Giveaway Marina in boxes!

    yay! are you free now, and if not, when are you available to collect her?
  4. virgocrossing

    Giveaway  Marina Marina in boxes!

    I’m 99% sure she’s ungifted- voiding at the end of the day!
  5. virgocrossing

    Giveaway  Giveaway before I reset!! Status: CLOSED

    Hiya! I’m resetting my island for a fresh start, so I’m giving away everything I’ve accumulated over the past year or so! Come whenever you want and take whatever you like, I just want it all gone ASAP :) FYI Curly (gifted) is in boxes he will not be missed so if anyone miraculously wants him...
  6. virgocrossing

    The ACNH Rant Thread

    Why does Able Sisters send anything I buy from the dressing room into my storage?? Then I have to trek all the way back to my house to get it out :/ How hard would it be for Mabel to just put it in my inventory!?? smh
  7. virgocrossing

    Giveaway  Harry Harry in boxes!

    Very heavily gifted :) Looking to find him a home!
  8. virgocrossing

    Have you ever bought a game without looking into it? How was it?

    I bought BOTW on a whim last year for a holiday- it’s a really fun game but much, much harder than I expected (I’ve put so much time in and I’m still nowhere near to beating Ganon) and isn’t something I reach for regularly so I don’t know if I made the right call there tbh
  9. virgocrossing

    List your favorite and most nostalgic video games?

    ACNL has to be my most nostalgic video game tbh- I got it for my 8th birthday and played it so much until I was like 13/14 that it just holds so many special memories of such different times of my life- it really got me through some difficult times. Just hearing the music makes me feel somewhat...
  10. virgocrossing

    Multiplayer or Single Player?

    Multiplayer 100% but only if you can play online with strangers rather than arranging to play with your friends at a specific time WITHOUT being able to freely communicate with them, bc i don’t want to have to make conversation with a stranger while trying to unwind, but playing with friends...
  11. virgocrossing

    First Nintendo game/system you ever played?

    The original ds! I used to play animal crossing: wild world on my sister’s ds so much as a 3 year old that my parents bought me a tiny red ds (i insisted it had to be red) for my 3rd christmas so that she could finally have some time away from me rip. i couldn’t even read at this point so i was...
  12. virgocrossing

    Splatoon What is your main weapon?

    In Splatoon 1, I was a dedicated splat roller, but now I’ve switched to the neo splash o’matic. It’s so easy to control, which is really important for me because my aim is terrible, and the burst bombs are a treat, but I do miss hiding in the ink and squishing people ;_;
  13. virgocrossing

    What's that Nintendo game you can't really get into as other did.

    The main mario series never really appealed to me. I’m not big into platform gaming in general, but this one especially didn’t click with me. As a child, the lack of female representation in the form of main, playable characters (the series is heavily focused around mario and luigi; side...
  14. virgocrossing

    Island reset?

    Unless there’s something major and unavoidable about your current town layout that prevents you from switching to this cottagecore theme, I’d recommend sticking with it. However annoying moving flowers is (I feel your pain!), it’s far less annoying than going through the motions of making a new...
  15. virgocrossing

    Tailors selling the 1M bell gold crown (and Flora cooking pear jelly)

    heyy i just started a new island and would love to come over if that’s alright! sorry i don’t have much to offer in the way of materials and stuff :(