Recent content by Stella-Io

  1. Stella-Io

    What's Bothering You?

    Problem with this is they don't care about me. Any form of retaliation I do to them, they'll take it personally and just make the situation about themselves then get mad at me even more. This whole thing started cause I asked them to stop interrupting me. Now the next day they still aren't...
  2. Stella-Io

    What's Bothering You?

    Parents are now being petty, won't talk to me or eat dinner with me. I was tryin to say a story and they kept interpreting me during it (while also calling my coworker names). They do that alot, interrupt not just me but my sis too when we try to ever say anythin story-like. It gets to the...
  3. Stella-Io

    Selling dragon token

    Hi may I get a token as well for the festive lantern? No message needed. I'm at work so I'll go ahead and send the tbt now, I won't be on for a few more hours.
  4. Stella-Io

    What's Bothering You?

    Me: Were you following me home? Dad: What? Me: (now scared) There was a bigger white vehicle following my route pretty much from when I left work. There was a crazy person at work threatening violence. Dad: Yeah you missed your turn Me: Oh thank God I thought I was being followed Dad: You...
  5. Stella-Io

    What's Bothering You?

    A simple misunderstanding over car soap and everyone preceiveing my tone of voice as me being snappy and b****y. Why do I bother tryin to have a conversation with my parents? It usually ends up in some arguement or heated discussion or like tonight, them gettin mad at me over a misunderstanding...
  6. Stella-Io

    What Did You Accomplish Today?

    Guess I'm bumping this thread again As part of my New Years Resolution I'm tryin to be more productive+organized, so doing these chores in a timely manner kinda count torwards that Washed my car Did some grocery shopping Did laundry
  7. Stella-Io

    Do you have any New Year's resolutions? ✨

    Bumping even thou New Years was like a week ago now oops. I usually don't make any cause I don't keep them and if I really wanted to do somethin I should just do it but I'm lazy. This year I feel like will be my year, for no reason in particular other than I want it to be and 2023 is behind me...
  8. Stella-Io

    Do you wear hats?

    I wear one at work since I kinda work outside. I'll also wear one on vacation, going to the beach, or being active outside cause it keeps my hair pulled back and sun mostly out of my face. Normal day to day stuff line shopping I don't wear a hat for.
  9. Stella-Io

    What Are You Happy About Today?

    Work closed early today but even in that time I got ✨️dog encounters✨️ First one was with a lady who had three small dogs. I got to pet them (with permission asked) and they were so freaking cute! The little black one wanted to play, the little brown one wanted belly rubs and the slightly...
  10. Stella-Io

    What's Bothering You?

    I just woke up but I'm already bothered by my parents lack of logic I went to the kitchen to see my mom ready to go out somewhere, I asked and she said the was going to the grocery store. I asked to come with and she said no that she wanted to leave at that moment. Fine, don't ***** and moan...
  11. Stella-Io

    Place your random thoughts.

    Got to pet dogs at a holiday work party. I've only been working there for a week so I don't know anyone and everyone seems to have their social circle outside of work anyway. People could bring a plus one so some brought family, others brought gfs (funny enough no one had a bf that I was aware...
  12. Stella-Io

    Working Christmas Day

    Every job I've held so far has been closed on Xmas day so by default I have yet to work on that holiday. Same as ThanksGiving. I have worked Xmas eve thou. While being an adult now I don't do much on the holidays, I still wouldn't want to work on them, I'll take my days off. Plus the customers...
  13. Stella-Io

    What Are You Happy About Today?

    So my new place of work has a cat. In the break room I sat down to eat lunch and the cat hopped in my lap and sat there for a good while. He probably just wanted to beg for my food (kept putting his face near it) but it's still super cute. Yesterday he did that too, sat in my lap. He also...
  14. Stella-Io

    What Are You Happy About Today?

    Went shopping, got some pants for work so I don't ruin/dirty up my normal pants. Also found the TotK Ganondorf amiibo cause every time I go to the store I gotta check the video game section even thou there's usually nothing new there. Well this time there was! No other TotK amiibo thou, just Ganon.
  15. Stella-Io

    What Are You Happy About Today?

    Did my first day on my new job! Seems easy enough, still gotta learn some things but it's far less busy and intensive as my previous 2 jobs.