Recent content by Prof Gallows

  1. P

    Buying  Buying NMT for TBT (Completed)

    Looking to get 300 NMT, dunno what the exchange rate really is so I'll take whatever seems fair.
  2. P

    Selling 300 NMT for TBT or IGB

    You still selling tickets? I've got a bit of TBT. Looking to buy 200 tickets.
  3. P

    new japanese commercials! again! (3.5.2020)

    Was pathways showing up on the map confirmed?
  4. P

    Opinions on Marijuana: Are you for or against? A user yourself?

    Yeah pretty much this. My state (West Virginia) has been fighting over our failed medical bill that was supposed to go into effect years ago, and now they're starting to say that they are going to implement a law that if cannabis is ever taken off of the federal scheduling it will still be...
  5. P

    Zelda Best Zelda Game ?

    Mine is Majora's Mask as well
  6. P

    Quick, Before The Sages Come!

  7. P

    Welcome our new mods! Thanks to our retiring mods!

    Aw yeah the Kermit Club! Good luck to the new mods and congrats.
  8. P

    Quick, Before the Mods Come!

    Bloop zero
  9. P

    Ask The Staff: Non site-related questions!

    Yeah most of us are pretty close off of the site. Some of us would do 12+ hour Civ games a while back and I know Justin and Jason play Heroes of the Storm quite often now a days.
  10. P

    Ask The Staff: Non site-related questions!

    IRL? Do you mean have we ever met each other or are we close off of the site?
  11. P

    Ask The Staff: Non site-related questions!

    Also this is the Ask the Staff thread, not the Information Desk. Please don't answer our questions for us. :)
  12. P

    The Information Desk: Ask questions about the site here!

    Guests are people(usually bots) that are viewing the thread without an account. If you've got invisible set it still counts as an active member viewing the thread. So if you're in a thread and all you see is your name but also see (2 members and 1 guest) that means you, an invisible member, and...
  13. P

    Staff Applications Reminder (now closing) + Apple Restock Incoming

    It's just a minimum requirement. You can be well into your late teens or early twenties and still act/post like a 3 year old. There will be more applications in the future so if you feel like sending one in now will help get your foot in the door I don't see anything wrong with it.
  14. P


    Managed to grab a Pip-Boy edition before they all disappeared and I've been playing the hell out of Fallout Shelter. I'll probably end up picking Cogsworth as the companion at first over the dog. Seems like there might be some cool options for him that isn't just "go bite the thing".
  15. P

    Ask The Staff: Non site-related questions!

    Half Blood Prince, book and movie.