Recent content by ObstinateSparrow

  1. O

    What game have you been obsessed with recently?

    I haven't played Animal Crossing in two months becaue I've become obsessed with another game. When I get obsessed, I play that one game to the exclusion of all others, and anything else I was playing gets put on the back burner. For the past two months, I've been playing way, way too much of...
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    Games you were excited for that disappointed you?

    My biggest disappointment has to be Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX. I played the original Rscue Team Red (which, along with Rescue Team Blue, is what DX is a remake of), and loved it. Too bad my GBA doesn't work anymore. So when I found out this game was going to be remastered, you...
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    Games Too Difficult for You to Beat?

    I've been able to beat most games I stick with, but never have I been able to beat Ecco the Dolphin, or it's sequel, the Tides of Time (both for Sega Genesis). I'd love to know if anyone has ever legitimately beaten either one of those games. They're that hard. Come to think about t, a lot of...
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    Help me choose my last two villagers! (Final Fantasy 8-themed island)

    Hello! I've taken a break from Animal Crossing and I want to get back into it. My current island is called Timber, and I eventually want it to be themed around Final Fantasy 8 (which is probably my favorite Final Fantasy). Getting all ten villagers will really help set the mood, but I'm stuck...
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    Timber (Final Fantasy VIII-Themed Island)

    I finally found Keaton! So, without further ado, here's his bio: Keaton Keaton is the resident sharpshooter of Seaside Garden. He is a charmer and a shameless flirt, and he KNOWS he's the most attractive animal in the room! In public he is full of himself, but in private, he has his doubts...
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    Timber (Final Fantasy VIII-Themed Island)

    I think I finally figured it out. Tank will be a combination of Kiros and Ward. I was also thinking about the legend of the Behemoth and Leviathan. Behemoth is usually portrayed as either a hippo or an elephant, and Leviathan a crocodile. Since Cyd is an elephant, I thought why not an...
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    Timber (Final Fantasy VIII-Themed Island)

    Thanks for all the support! This is going to sound odd, but I cast Daisy in Laguna's role. Here's her description: Daisy (Dog, Normal) Daisy comes from a military family, and is currently serving in the army. She doesn't like her situation in the slightest, dreaming instead of being a...
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    Timber (Final Fantasy VIII-Themed Island)

    Unfortunately, I have no way of posing my Switch screenshots online. Maybe one day... but as for now, my island's a mess. I found these character bios I wrote, and will gladly share them now. Cyd (Elephant, Cranky) As a fan of loud music and video games, it's hard to believe that Cyd...
  9. O

    What are some mistakes you made when you first played ACNH?

    I think my biggest mistake was rushing things. Rushing to three stars, rushing to get this and that... in the end, it left me worn out and having villagers I didn't like. Now I take things slow. My current island is still on two stars because I only have seven villagers. Eventually, someone...
  10. O

    Greetings from the Sparrow

    Thank you all! My villagers so far are Cyd, Skye, Punchy, Sprinkle, Queenie, Tank, and Daisy. Hoping to get Keaton soon. I have an island journal aboout Timber where you can find more information.
  11. O

    Greetings from the Sparrow

    Hello! I'm ObstinateSparrow, and I just joined this forum. Iive been playing Animal Crossing New Horizons by myself for some time now (about a year) and thought it was time I met some other Animal Crossing fans. I won't be able to engage in any online play due to not having wi-fi (all my...
  12. O

    How did you name your island?

    I wanted to do an island based on one of my top ten favorite video games (in this case, Final Fantasy VIII), so I named my island Timber, after an important town in that game. Even if I don't follow through with the FFVII theme, Timber is still a good name.
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    Timber (Final Fantasy VIII-Themed Island)

    I wonder if anyone has ever done this before. I happen to love Final Fantasy VIII (that's 8 or eight), and decided to base my island on it. Unfortunately, I cannot post any pictures since my Switch rarely connects to the internet. I can, however, describe my island. First, the villagers...
  14. O

    How much actually is in your ABD in real money terms

    Pretty sure Bells are equal to Yen. There's a video on the Game Theory YouTube channel that goes into some detail. (I think the video is called 'Tom Nook is Not a Crook!') My Bell situation fluctuates too wildly to get a grasp on what I have, but I've sunk millions into my house...
  15. O

    What is your favorite "unpopular" villager?

    I found Queenie (ostrich) in one of my villager hunts, and I've loved her ever since. Antonio (anteater) is adorable; I had him on an older island.