Recent content by Memorabilia

  1. Memorabilia

    North America (US Based) FT: Series 1-5, NA WA LF: NA WA Piper (04) and Paolo (05)

    Updated! Removed my pending cards, added a card for trade, removed the priority WA section. All are priority, I'm down to my last two cards! Woohoo ^.^
  2. Memorabilia

    North America (US Based) FT: Series 1-5, NA WA LF: NA WA Piper (04) and Paolo (05)

    Updated to remove pending cards and add new Series 5 SP characters I forgot!
  3. Memorabilia

    North America (US Based) FT: Series 1-5, NA WA LF: NA WA Piper (04) and Paolo (05)

    Sorry, I only collect North American amiibos and my collection is more than halfway done! I'm only trading for North American cards
  4. Memorabilia

    North America (US Based) FT: Series 1-5, NA WA LF: NA WA Piper (04) and Paolo (05)

    Updated to add a new card uft and remove a card I just received!
  5. Memorabilia

    North America (US Based) FT: Series 1-5, NA WA LF: NA WA Piper (04) and Paolo (05)

    Updated 9/1/2023 with new cards just received, including two more NA amiibos, some eu ones, and more regular cards, including Marshal!
  6. Memorabilia

    North America (US Based) FT: Series 1-5, NA WA LF: NA WA Piper (04) and Paolo (05)

    Hi! That sounds great, I can dm you if you’re still interested!
  7. Memorabilia

    North America (US Based) FT: Series 1-5, NA WA LF: NA WA Piper (04) and Paolo (05)

    I have Tad for trade, too haha Sorry, she's just going to be for trade for NA WA exclusively. Good luck with your collection, though ^.^
  8. Memorabilia

    North America (US Based) FT: Series 1-5, NA WA LF: NA WA Piper (04) and Paolo (05)

    Updated by removing my pending cards that arrived! Officially halfway done ^.^