Recent content by Corrie

  1. Corrie

    What operating system do you use?

    Windows 10 here! If more programs worked on Linux, I'd totally be running Ubuntu or something by now.
  2. Corrie


    Therapy is awesome. It's like talking to a friend about your feelings except they might have the answer or ways to help you find the answer. I've been! Mine was over the phone because I just couldn't handle being in person and having someone's eyes on me but it was really nice. I'd tell her all...
  3. Corrie

    Pokémon Best First Pokémon Game?

    I'd probably vote SwSh as it takes the typical Pokemon formula and modernizes it. Pokemon Lets Go is good for newbie players so if you want something easier, that's the game for you. Pokemon Legends takes a new spin on the Pokemon formula so if you want something different, that's the game for...
  4. Corrie

    PWYW TBT Comms! (Questing for collectibles!) | Full // Waitlist

    Thank you so much for accepting!! :) Could they be separate pieces please and thank you!
  5. Corrie

    PWYW TBT Comms! (Questing for collectibles!) | Full // Waitlist

    Hey Pixori!! Is it okay if I order two? If not, let me know and I'll pick one haha. Username: Corrie Commission type: doodle cheeb x 2 Reference: Your OC/Mayor here! Her and Him Extra?: Poses are up to you! Could both have a slightly "evil" or "sneaky" smile expression? Offer?: 600 tbt for both?
  6. Corrie

    Do you replay video games?

    I do! Once I beat something, I don't touch it for years and then sometimes I get in the mood to play it again so I'll create a new save. I'm currently playing Omega Ruby, even though I've played gen 3 a million times already.
  7. Corrie

    The Anime Thread

    Always hype to see! I love YOASOBI and I think more of their songs deserve to be in anime ops!
  8. Corrie

    Rest In Peace, Doge

    Much death, such sadness, wow. Real talk though, rip pupperz.
  9. Corrie

    Frame Rate

    You can totally like the game and have it as your favourite! it's just that some people look at the technical issues and think they're excusable for this time period. I legit get headaches trying to play those games because everything is so laggy and jittery. You and everyone else deserve to...
  10. Corrie

    Frame Rate

    In my opinion, anyone who thinks it's a nitpick, is either in denial (not wanting to insult their fav games) or just doesn't know what they're missing. To me, it's 2024, there shouldn't be framerate issues in gaming anymore. Like I'm not paying $90 CAD for a game that lags or is so jittery, I...
  11. Corrie

    Favourite Tropes in Fiction?

    Whether that be in fanfiction, tv shows, movies, etc. What are some of those tropes that you just yearn for? My top is definitely sickfics. No matter how many times I read them with the same ship, I just can't get enough. It's the thirst that will never be quenched.
  12. Corrie

    How much wildlife do you see?

    I see the usual birds and squrriels deal but lately there's been foxes and rabbits around! It's so nice! :)
  13. Corrie

    Are there any foods that you loved as a kid but not now as an adult?

    Raisins! I used to eat those little cardboard snack boxes full of raisins and now I don't like them. Texture is fine, it's the taste.
  14. Corrie

    Shop NEW low prices! Everything 1-5 TBT 📝Catalog/Crafting 💎Materials 💰IGB + NMT deals 🐶Photos 🗿Real Art & Treasures 🐟Fish Bait 💐Hybrids/Bush Starts

    Sweet!! Thanks! :) Dodo is: DVKD3 Edit: Actually, I gotta run out to the store. I'll shoot you a message when I get back! Sorry omg so much going on